Mimosa Pudica 5.5c - Sensitive Plant

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Mimosa Pudica, The Sensitive Plant, is a fascinating little plant that is basically ticklish, it reacts to touch or shaking by curling its leaves and hiding. Pudica in Latin means shy, sensitive or bashful. It also closes its leaves at night then opens them again to greet the new day. Sensitive plants do have prickly, delicate branches so be careful when handling.

Sensitive Plant prefers bright light.

Keep the soil evenly moist, not soggy. Do not sit in water.

Average room temperatures are ideal, between 19-24c.

Minimum Temp: 16c


As with most plants Mimosa requires less water in Winter. In its natural habitat, a ground covering plant in Central and South America, Mimosa will produce small, pink, powder puff like flowers. When kept as a houseplant will rarely bloom.

Mimosa rarely need re-potting.

They can be pruned at any time of the year to prevent them from becoming too leggy.

Fertilise with a half strength high potassium liquid feed once every 2 weeks in Spring and Summer.


Toxic to pets if ingested.

Best practice is to keep out of reach.