About plants for business


As a local business, Your Houseplants focus on supporting other local businesses.  We love that our plants enhance our office and work environment, due to a subconscious natural connection boosting happiness and creativity, whilst proven to reduce employee absenteeism. We would love to promote health and well-being throughout our surrounding local businesses, as NASA also use indoor plants to enhance employee emotional health, productivity and physically lift their mood, whilst reducing headaches and fatigue by 25%

 Scientific research also found that even a small number of plants in the workplace noticeably reduced employee stress, with depression falling by 58%, stress and anxiety reducing by 37% and a 38% drop in fatigue (Julie Tucker, 2022).

 We pride ourselves on our ability to offer easy-to-care plants, perfect for improving office space air quality, aesthetics and a more welcoming hotel and minimising noise levels in restaurants by efficiently absorbing sounds.

To enquire: https://yourhouseplants.co/plants-for-business/