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Pilea Peperomioides 6c

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Product Overview

Chinese Money Plant / Friendship Plant, has become one of the most wanted plants. Its popularity is due to its origins. It was discovered by a Norwegian missionary in South Western China, who took cuttings home with him. He shared these with family and friends, and eventually the ` Friendship Plant` spread throughout Scandinavia.

Pilea does best in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sun as it will scorch the leaves. As it always tends to grow towards the light rotate the plant regularly to stop it becoming lopsided. Will adapt to darker conditions, which will make it darker green, but will also make the growth more stretched.

Water your Pilea moderately and allow the soil to dry slightly between watering, it doesn`t like to sit in constantly soggy soil.

Normal room temperatures are fine, 18-23c.

In Winter, when growth is slow, reduce watering.

Avoid cold draughts, or placing near a direct heat source.

Not a heavy feeder, use a soluble half strength houseplant fertiliser once a month during the growing season.

Propogation: As said earlier the Friendship Plants popularity came from the ease of which you can grow the baby plantlets that are produced. Some grow from a stem, others pop up from the soil. From the soil allow the babies to grow to about 5-7cm and have approx. 1cm of stem and some little roots. These you can simply remove with a sharp knife and pot on. They should anchor themselves and start to produce new leaves after a few weeks. Plantlets from the stem don`t initially have roots, so place them in water first to grow roots. Then pot them as above.

Non-toxic for humans and pets, although not intended for consumption.


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