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Howea Forsteriana - Kentia Palm 24c Pot 150c Tall

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Product Overview

Kentia Palm, The Lord Howe Island Palm. Elegant, easy care, with excellent air purifying qualities. Slightly taller stems and broader leaves than the Parlour Palm, making it a fine specimen for the home. Another firm favourite in history, Queen Victoria had them in all her homes. Best kept in enough space to let it grow. If you want it to thrive follow the simple tips below.

Secrets of success:

Ideally place in bright, indirect light, direct sun will scorch the leaves. Will adapt easily to a shady position, but as with most plants will not grow as quickly. Water well then wait until the top inch of the soil is dry, at which point water well again. During the growing season you will probably have to water once a week. As a rule underwatering is better than overwatering as constant wetness at the roots will encourage root rot. Kentia can tolerate periods of neglect, with cooler temperatures and dry air, making it a trouble free, leafy, tropical feature.

Temperature: Ideally suited to the home 16 to 24c


As with most tropical plants your palm will rest during Winter months. While dormant it will require less water, probably only once every 2 weeks.

If the room is centrally heated, or becomes very hot in Summer, then your palm will benefit from misting the leaves.

Re-pot if necessary in Spring approximately every 2 years using a free draining houseplant compost.

Feed fortnightly from May to September with a half strength general houseplant liquid fertiliser.

Warnings: Not known to be toxic to pets or humans.


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