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Philodendron Scandens Brazil 12c

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Product Overview

Philodendron Scandens Brasil, commonly known as the variegated sweetheart vine, are large leaved climbers with beautiful golden-yellow heart shaped leaves. Ideal as a climbing plant, or hang basket, they are easy care and recognised for their air purifying qualities.

Secrets of success:

As with many plants keep the Philodendron in bright, indirect light. Lower light levels are tolerated but growth and leaf colour will suffer. Avoid direct sun.

Water thoroughly in warmer months, then allow the top of the soil to dry out between watering, do not keep constantly wet. Cold draughts and soggy soil are two things they don`t like.

Average to warm room temperatures between 16-24c are best, try not to let temperatures drop below 16c.

If grown as a climber then it will need a means of support, either a moss pole or canes are common. Philodendron produce aerial roots that attach to the surface of the support, if growing on a moss pole regular misting of the moss pole benefits the plant. If grown as a hanger then misting the leaves benefits humidity and keeps the plant clean.

In Winter reduce the amount of water, giving just enough to stop the compost drying out completely.

Can be pruned to any given length or height.

Re-pot in Spring when necessary, only use a slightly larger pot, a big pot with too much compost will hold too much water.

Common leaf problems are brown tips indicating dry air, or yellow leaves too much water.

Fertilise monthly from Spring to Autumn with a diluted half strength foliage plant feed.


Problematic to pets and humans if consumed. Causes irritation and swelling in the mouth. Best practice is to keep out of reach.


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