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Dieffenbachia Camilla 12c

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Product Overview

Dieffenbachia, The Dumb Cane or Leopard Lily. A group of highly decorative leafed plants with a slightly undeserved reputation of being highly poisonous. The milky sap does contain microscopic needle shaped crystals, which if consumed will result in a painful, swollen mouth. In extreme cases making it too painful to talk, so the common name Dumb cane. If you can see past the unpleasant side effects of eating this plant, of which there`s no reason to do, and can keep it away from children and pets, then you will be rewarded with one of the most attractive and versatile plants for your home.

Secrets of success: Another tropical plant that basically needs bright, indirect light, standard room temperatures, and regular watering. Avoid direct sun, this will scorch the leaves, and too little light will produce poor growth and poor colour.

Summer care: Watering is best achieved by the soak and dry method. Water thoroughly, then allow the top 2-3cm of the soil to become dry before watering again. Too little water and the bottom leaves turn yellow. Too much water and the stems go mushy.

Room temperatures between 18-24c.

Avoid cold draughts.

Fertilise with a diluted half strength general liquid feed once a month.

Minimum Temp: 14c

Winter care: In Winter the Dieffenbachia will adapt to cooler temperatures and reduced light levels. Growth stops so it requires less water and no fertiliser. Water moderately but make sure to wait until the top 2-3cm of the soil becomes dry, don`t be tempted to water again until this happens, even if it seems a long time since last watered. The plant will start to show signs of cold damage below 14c so try to keep above 16c and make sure to keep away from cold draughts.

Warnings: As already mentioned the milky sap from the Dieffenbachia is considered highly irritant. Keep well away from pets and children. Be careful when handling, wash your hands and avoid touching your face and lips.


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