Bonsai Ficus Retusa 20c

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Ficus Retusa Ginseng or Microcarpa is the most widely used variety of Fig tree for Bonsai, and is generally considered the easiest Bonsai to care for. Some have short, thick, multi-stemmed trunks, others have taller S shaped trunks. In its natural habitat aerial roots grow directly down to the ground where they anchor and become additional pillar like trunks. Extremely old trees can become forest like and cover a large area.
Ficus Ginseng will thrive indoors in bright light.
Watering your Bonsai is probably the most important, though not difficult part of keeping your tree at its best. Water thoroughly until water runs freely from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Then wait until the surface of the soil starts to become just dry, then water again thoroughly. This will stop the compost at the roots ever becoming dry which will harm the tree.
Fertilising is also necessary to keep your tree healthy. As it`s growing in a limited amount of soil then the required nutrients need replenishing occasionally. A general purpose, half strength liquid feed applied once a month from April to September will do.
Pinch and trim your tree to a desired shape once new growth starts to become too long. Different trees grow at different rates so do as often is necessary.
Tolerates a wide range of temperatures, as low as 10c, so will be fine wherever you choose to put it in the home as long as there`s plenty of bright light.
In Winter when growth is slow less water is required by the plant so the time it takes to become just dry will increase. Don`t be too hasty, just wait until the top of the soil becomes just dry as usual. Don`t fertilise in Winter.
If you want to you can place your tree outdoors once night time temperatures exceed 10c. Place in bright light, somewhere sheltered from the wind, and gradually allow more direct sunlight as it starts to acclimatise to being outside. Check to make sure it doesn`t dry out, and make sure to remember to bring it back indoors before temperatures drop too far.
Repot by evaluating whether or not it`s necessary in early Spring . Remove your tree from its pot and check to see if there is any visible compost, or if the roots have completely filled the pot. If there is compost then leave another year, if not then remove the side and bottom 25% of soil and roots by raking the soil away and trimming the roots and then replace with new compost in the same pot. Cover the drainage hole in the base of the pot with a mesh, cover with a layer of free draining grit, then a level of good quality bonsai compost. Place the tree back in the pot and fill all around, making sure to fill any air pockets around the roots. Some trees are secured with a wire through the base of the pot to hold the tree in position. Finally water the tree thoroughly.
This will give your tree the necessary nutrients and root space to grow and flourish.
Warnings: Ficus trees ooze a sticky sap which can cause irritation. Wash your hands thoroughly if any comes in to contact with your skin. Toxic to cats and dogs. Best practice is to keep the plant away from children and pets.