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Begonia Rex Mini Mix 6c

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Product Overview

Begonia Rex

When it comes to foliage plants grown for their beautiful colours and patterns then the Begonia Rex is hard to beat. A quite diverse family of plants,that although a little demanding, with a few simple tips can become an absolute favourite. They just need a constant temperature and some extra humidity.

Summer care:

Begonia Rex aren`t fussy when it comes to light levels, but you must avoid direct sun as the leaves scorch easy, so part shade to natural, indirect light is best.

The key element to a happy plant is humidity. This is best achieved by placing on a saucer filled with decorative stones that you add water to, stand the plant on the stones but don`t allow the pot to touch the water. This will increase the moisture in the air around the plant. They would also appreciate the humid, steamy air of a bathroom if there is some natural light. Although they need moist air do not be tempted to spray water directly on to the foliage as this can lead to mildew.

Begonia Rex are more than happy at a constant room temperature between 18-24c so are ideal in your home. If you are comfortable, your Begonia will be. Avoid hot or cold draughts, both will harm the plant.

Begonia Rex should only be watered when the top of the soil becomes dry, but before the plant starts to wilt. Water well then allow to dry, they don`t like constantly soggy soil, which will rot the delicate roots.

Fertilise once a month from April to August with a foliage houseplant liquid feed as per instructions.

Minimum Temp: 18c

Begonia Rex are rhizomatous, growing from a rhizome, a continuous horizontal underground stem. As with many plants like this they are prone to becoming dormant, where they will shed their leaves if they realise Winter has arrived. If this happens do not discard your plant. Cut off the withered leaves, stop watering, and enclose the plant in a plastic bag. Keep at approximately 16c until new growth appears.

Warnings: Toxic to cats and dogs. Best practice is to keep the plant away from children and pets.


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