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Sanseveria Trifasciata Futura Superba in Container 13c

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Product Overview

Sanseveria – Snake Plants, a super family of plants that thrive on minimal care. There are many types including compact rosette types, upright cylindrical, broad leafed, and spiky, in greens and variegated. The most common is the upright Mother-in-Laws Tongue, but all are grown due to their nearly indestructible nature. With its super easy nature, and excellent air cleaning properties, Sanseveria are another firm favourite for your home.
Sanseveria are true survivors, if you have had little success with keeping plants before then these are the ideal plants for you.
They grow best in bright, indirect light. They will adapt and happily tolerate lower light levels, so don`t worry if you put them in a slightly shaded corner of the room.
Water once every 3 weeks, just to pop them in a couple of inches of water, for around 10 to 15 minutes, and allow them to soak up what they need.
Fertilise each time you water through Spring and Summer with a diluted half strength liquid feed.
Happy in any temperature above 12c all year round.
In Winter, when growth is slow, you may not need to water as often. It`s fairly safe to increase the time between watering to once a month. Also do not fertilise as before, stop until next Spring.
Repot only when your plant has become completely root bound, using a good quality, free draining Cacti and Succulent compost. Only use a pot that’s slightly larger, this stops the possibility of having too much compost around the roots and so the chance of overwatering.
Keep the leaves clean, and dust free, by wiping with a soft, damp cloth.
Although such an excellent plant to have Sanseveria contain bitter tasting saponins, which deter livestock from eating them, and are therefore listed as Toxic to pets. They can cause vomiting and mouth irritation if ingested.
Best practice is to keep away from cats, dogs, and children.


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