
Philodendron Mayoi 15c

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Product Overview

Philodendron Mayoi,

Another popular, slightly rare member of the Philodendron family, with large palm-like leaves with red tinged and veined undersides of the leaf.

Naturally found in the Tropical Rainforests of Brazil.

A vining Philodendron which will eventually benefit from being given a moss pole to cling to and climb.

As with many plants Philodendron prefer bright, indirect light, but avoid direct sun.

Water thoroughly in warmer months, then allow the top third of the compost to dry out before watering again, do not keep constantly wet, soggy soil they don`t like.

Average to warm room temperatures between 16-24c are best.

If grown as a climber then it will need a means of support, either a moss pole or canes is common.

Philodendron like humidity. Grouping together with other plants, or standing on a moisture tray of gravel or LECA pebbles will also boost humidity and benefit the plant.

Fertilise once a month in growth, through Spring and Summer, with a balanced houseplant liquid feed as per instructions.

Can be pruned to any given length or height. Trimming a few inches above a node will encourage new growth.

Minimum Temp: 16c

In Winter reduce the amount of water, giving just enough to stop the compost drying out completely.

Re-pot in Spring when necessary, only use a slightly larger pot, a big pot with too much compost will hold too much water.

Common leaf problems are brown tips indicating dry air, or yellow leaves too much water.

Warnings: The plant contains raphides, crystals of calcium oxalate, to deter livestock from eating them. Therefore problematic to pets and humans if consumed. Causes irritation and swelling in the mouth. Best practice is to keep out of reach.


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