Product Overview
Philodendron Jose Buono
Another trending member of the Araceae family of evergreen tropical plants native to South America.
Jose Buono has large, variegated, heart shaped leaves, and is favoured for its easy care nature.
In its native habitat it can reach heights of around 10 feet, but will remain considerably smaller when cultivated indoors.
A very nice addition to your plant collection, boasting slightly larger leaves than the ever popular White Princess, and white wizard.
Secrets of success:
As with many plants they`re best kept in bright, indirect light.
Too little light will lead to weak growth and loss of variegation.
Must avoid direct sun.
Water well in the warmer months, then allow the top 2-3cms of the soil to dry out between watering, do not keep constantly wet. Soggy soil they don`t like.
As with most tropical plants Philodendron like humidity. 50 – 60% is advisable. If you need to increase the humidity around the plant then stand it on a pebble tray, combined with regular misting is a great help. Just make sure that there is adequate air circulation so that the foliage dries out. Prolonged moisture on the leaves can cause fungal problems.
Average to warm room temperatures between 18-29c are best, try not to let temperatures drop below 16c.
Not a fast grower.
In Winter reduce the amount of water, giving just enough to stop the compost drying out completely.
Re-pot in Spring when necessary, only use a slightly larger pot, a big pot with too much compost will hold too much water. Use a good quality, free draining compost mixed with perlite and orchid bark.
Common leaf problems are brown tips indicating dry air, or yellow leaves too much water.
Fertilise monthly from Spring to Autumn with a diluted half strength foliage plant feed.
Let the plant rest through Winter, so no need to fertilise.
Generally the older, lower leaves will yellow over time, as new growth matures.
Contains raphides, crystals of calcium oxalate, to deter livestock from eating them. Therefore problematic to pets and humans if consumed. Causes irritation and swelling in the mouth. Best practice is to keep out of reach.