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Gynura - Purple Passion 7c

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Product Overview

Gynura Purple Passion.

A rather unique plant that is literally covered in fine, purple hairs, which give it its gorgeous colour and texture. Given enough natural, indirect light the serrated edged leaves will glow. Native to South East Asia Gynura is a member of the Asteraceae family, related to Daisies and other flowering plants, and will likely bloom through the Spring and Summer. Gynura are considered ` monocarpic `, once flowering, so will potentially die off after flowering, so flowers are often removed to prolong the plants life.

Given the right, bright and warm location, Gynura are fast growing, and can generally be easily propagated, so can be easily enjoyed for their spectacular colour in the home.

There`s not many houseplants with such a vivid colour and texture as Gynura so add one to your collection while you can.

Secrets of success:

Summer care:

Gynura need to be kept in the brightest possible location, but without the risk of any strong, direct sun. Some early morning, or late afternoon, depending on the time of year, sun is ideal. So an East or West facing windowsill is great, or within close proximity to a LED light, as they generally react well to artificial light.

Gynura need to be kept fairly moist while growing, but not saturated, just allow the top quarter of soil to dry between watering. Too little moisture will lead to crispy, dehydrated looking leaves with brown edges, too much usually results in yellowing leaves, an unhappy, wilting plant, and eventually plant loss.

Average humidity is fine, and do avoid strong heat sources or draughts.

Fertilise approximately every fourth water through Spring and Summer with a balanced liquid houseplant feed as per instructions.

Cool periods around 15c may encourage the Gynura to flower, which can lead to its demise, so an average temperature above 18c will reduce the chance of flowers forming, and domestic plants are known to live for many years.

Minimum Temp: 15c


In Winter reduce the amount and frequency of water, as the plant will rest. On average allow the compost to dry between a third and half, and do not fertilise. Keep the plant in as bright a position as possible, although be wary of temperature fluctuations if kept too close to a window, depending how it`s glazed.

Prune to remove any yellow, or dying leaves to encourage better plant health.

Propagate by stem cutting in early Spring. Prune the leading stem, to include approx. 5 leaves, then remove the 2 lower leaves, dip in rooting hormone, and place in tepid water. Roots should form in 6-8 weeks, you can then transplant the cutting in to a good quality, peat free, free draining compost, with extra perlite to aid aeration. Place in bright light, and water moderately until acclimatised.

Gynura generally only need repotting once or twice in its life. It`s best done in early Spring using only a slightly larger pot, and using compost as above for cuttings.

Warnings: Not known to be toxic.


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