Drosera - Sundew Carnivorous Mix 9c

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Drosera – Sundew Carnivorous Plant.

A large group of temperate and tropical carnivorous plants found all around the world. Although some varieties are able to withstand excessive low temperatures they are best kept over winter in a frost free environment.

Most don`t require a dormant Winter period, and if kept averagely warm will continue to grow all year round. Those kept in an unheated spot will die back and rejuvenate next Spring.

The common name is derived from the glistening drops produced by the plant which cover the fine sticky, glandular hairs that attract and digest their insect prey.

Carnivorous plants in general all require the basic same care and conditions. Their natural habitat is wet, boggy marshland, and other similar nutrient poor conditions. In Summer they thrive in conditions that are hot, sunny, and constantly moist. In Winter they need cold temperatures and a dormant period of rest. This is a natural protective mechanism to help them survive. If they`re not allowed to rest then they become exhausted and are unable to grow the following season.

Secrets of success:

Summer care:

Carnivorous plants need lots of light for healthy growth, so a bright South facing windowsill is ideal. They also do extremely well in unheated conservatories. Too little light will produce poor growth.

During growing season, Spring and Summer, stand the plant in about 1cm of pure water. Rainwater is best, as they have evolved to survive in low nutrient soil, and tap water will lead to a build up of too many minerals and will harm the plant. Don`t fertilise for the same reason. Watering from below also stops the sticky, sweet residue that many of these plants produce from being washed away.

In their natural habitat temperatures frequently hit 30c in the Summer and below 0c in Winter, so are perfectly happy in our climate.

Never use any additional fertiliser, and when necessary specific carnivorous potting mix must be used to repot.


Winter care:

If kept warm enough they will continue to grow all year round.

If grown in an unheated room then your plant will die back. This is normal.

During this period they require less water so keep them just damp.

Cut back any dead foliage.

New growth should then begin around March when you can start to care for as above, Summer care.


Not known to be toxic to humans or pets.