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Dracaena Marginata Sunray 17c

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Product Overview

Dracaena Marginata Sunray. This easy going variety of Dragon Tree has slender dark green leaves with a vivid bright yellow band down the middle. Dracaena is a large family with many variations in leaf size, colour and trunk types. Marginata is one of the easiest, it`s also tall and slender so requires a smaller footprint in the home. Easy care and another NASA recognised excellent plant for removing harmful toxins from the air.

Secrets of success: Natural bright light is best, but avoid direct sun.

Average room temperature`s ideal, 18-24c, they will tolerate cooler temperatures but for optimal growth and health prefer it warm.

Water thoroughly then allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering again. Constant wetness is one thing Dracaenas don`t like. Yellow leaves indicate too little water, brown leaves generally overwatering.

Reduce watering in Winter when the Dracaena isn`t actively growing, to avoid problems keep it on the dry side.

Minimum Temp: Occasionally as low as 12c for short period of time.

Dracaena are often called false palms as the lower leaves turn yellow and die off, this is how the trunk forms, and is natural.

Dry air can cause brown tips on the leaves, cut them off with sharp scissors, and try to increase the humidity around the plant slightly. Misting the leaves will help, and cleans them from accumulated dust.

Dracaenas only need repotting when they are very pot bound. Approximately every 2 years in Spring. Don`t overpot, just use a slightly larger pot and good free draining houseplant compost.

Warnings: The sap within the leaves and stems does contain low levels of toxins that can cause irritation to pets. Be careful not to allow your pet to ingest any part in any quantity. Considered non-toxic to humans.


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