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Bonsai Mix 20c

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Product Overview

Bonsai – The Art of Growing Miniature Trees. If you become a Bonsai enthusiast you can literally collect and grow the innumerable variety of trees for life. Some famous trees are reported to be hundreds of years old, passed down from generation to generation, and are almost priceless. Here we will concentrate on caring for indoor varieties:

Good daylight is essential to the health of a bonsai. In Summer a little morning or evening sun is ok, but too much and your bonsai will overheat.

Avoid any direct heat sources, such as radiators, this will inevitably cause your tree`s leaves to curl and drop.

In Winter place your bonsai in the brightest position possible, again making sure to avoid any direct heat sources.

Watering is the most important part of keeping your bonsai happy. Check your bonsai each morning and evening. If the compost feels wet then wait, if it has just started to look damp then it will need watering. Water thoroughly until the water runs freely from the bottom of the pot. It`s best then to place your tree on a gravel tray, or saucer, where the excess water will drain and create extra humidity around the plant. Never let your bonsai completely dry out, but also don`t keep it constantly wet. Ideally the compost should vary between wet to damp, then water again.

To maintain the desired shape prune your tree regularly. If your bonsai gets out of shape then a hard prune may be necessary. Spring is the best time to do this. Remove all the straggly shoots, which initially may leave your tree looking a little bare, but within a few weeks it should be covered in new, dense growth.

Repot by evaluating whether or not it`s necessary at the beginning of Spring. Mid-February is a good time before the new growth cycle starts. Remove your tree from its pot and check to see if there is still visible compost, or if the roots have completely filled the pot. If there is compost then leave another year.

If required tease away the old compost from the sides and bottom, trying not to damage any roots. Using sharp scissors you can then cut away any overly long roots, but be careful to not prune more than 30% of all roots. In this case you can plant it back in the same pot. Cover the drainage hole in the base of the pot with a mesh, cover with a layer of free draining grit, then place a level of good quality bonsai compost. Place the tree back in the pot and fill all around, making sure to fill any air pockets around the roots. Some trees are secured with a wire through the base of the pot to hold the tree in position. Finally water the tree thoroughly.

This will give your tree the necessary nutrients and root space to grow and flourish.

In Spring and Summer fertilise regularly with a specific Bonsai feed. Other general houseplant fertilisers can be too strong and will scorch the roots. Reduce feeding over Winter when growth is slow.


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