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Asparagus Fern Mix 12c

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Product Overview

Asparagus Fern.

Popular family native to South Africa. Not a true fern, the name derives from the fact that new growth resembles tiny Asparagus spears. Perfect plant for a pot or hanging basket. Grows best in bright, indirect light. Tolerates lower light levels but will grow more slowly, and may develop yellow fronds. Asparagus prefer a thorough watering in warmer months, then allow the top third of the soil to dry before watering again. Asparagus are very drought resistant. If your Asparagus turns brown and droopy, it likely needs a little more water. Like many tropical plants Asparagus rest during the cooler months. They require very little water during this dormant period. Tolerant of a wide temperature range, between 10 and 24c. Asparagus rarely needs to be pruned, if some fronds are yellow then simply cut them off close to the base of the plant. Keep fairly pot bound to promote growth. Fertilise weekly with a half strength soluble plant food during the Summer, monthly thereafter. These plants are considered problematic to pets and children and should be kept out of reach. Take care when handling as fronds develop small, sharp spines.


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