
Oxalis Vulcanicola 6c

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Product Overview

False shamrocks are a large family of relatively hardy, bulb type plants originally from Brazil. The plants history can be traced back to St Patrick, who used the 3 leaves to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.

Oxalis Triangularis and Regnelli are 2 varieties that adapt well to indoor conditions, and can thrive for many years in your home. Oxalis are highly photophilic, which means that they react to light levels throughout the day by opening and closing their leaves, and flowers. At night the neatly folded leaves can resemble little clusters of purple butterflies, so don`t be alarmed if they appear curled up, they will soon open wide in the morning light.

Oxalis are very long lived, and have been known to be handed down from generation to generation.

Follow these tips for success, and enjoy these marvellous little plants.

Summer care: Oxalis thrive in bright, indirect light. This means that they are very happy with a few hours of early morning, or late afternoon sun, but do avoid hot midday sun. This will help to keep the vivid purple colour of the leaves.

During the growing period water well, then allow the top 3rdof the soil to dry between watering. Do not keep constantly wet, this will result in root rot, and don`t allow to dry out thoroughly as the plant will become dormant. This is quite natural for Oxalis, but should be encouraged through Autumn and Winter, when the plant will rest and recharge, ready for next seasons growth and flowers. Always bear in mind that Oxalis naturally thrive in alpine conditions, where it`s bright, dry-ish, with good air circulation.

Fertilise twice a month with a half strength diluted liquid houseplant feed as per instructions.

Average room temperatures around 20c.

No need to increase humidity around the plant during this time, they do prefer good air circulation.

Minimum Temp: 15c

As mentioned above Oxalis naturally have a dormant period throughout Winter, when cooler temperatures, drier conditions, and dark nights will make the plant rest. This will contribute to better growth and flowers the following season. This usually begins between October - December as the plant starts to go dormant. The most significant step is to reduce the temperature, if possible move the plant to a bright, cool location, around 15c, and let it rest. Water lightly once the compost is completely dry. As the foliage withers and dies back you can then prune it back to the soil. This will boost next years` new growth, and help to stop any pests or disease taking advantage of the dead foliage.

Once the foliage has gone then keep the compost very dry and do not fertilise. Treat the plant like this between January - March when you should start to see signs of new life, you can then start to increase the amount of water slightly, making sure to allow the soil to dry by a 3rd between watering. You can feed with a high nitrogen based fertiliser to encourage foliage growth. Switch to a high potassium based feed around Mid April, tomato feed is ideal, to help promote the arrival of this years` flowers. Flowers should appear from late May, then right through to August, when they will start to fade in anticipation of the annual cycle again.

Repot every 2 – 3 years, using a good quality, free draining houseplant compost.


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