
Crassula Ovata Sunset 17c

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Product Overview

Crassula, the very popular Jade Plant or Money Plant. In some cultures it`s considered a source of good luck and prosperity, it might not make you a fortune but will reward you with an easy care and long lasting companion. With its thick stem and branches it can become tree like and make an exceptional bonsai. Several varieties usually produced, Ovata with oval leaves, green or tinged with red, and other varieties like Gollum with narrow tubular leaves. With some basic care your Crassula will flourish. A great choice for a beginner or enthusiast.

The secret to growing your Money Plant indoors is basically to give it enough bright light, and to water thoroughly then allow to dry. Generally speaking, like most succulents, Crassula needs bright light to grow properly. They can cope with direct sun, but usually need acclimatising as initially the leaves might sunburn, so gradually increase the amount of intense sun it receives. The brighter the light the more red tinged the leaves become. If you prefer the lush, green appearance of your plant then try to limit the amount of direct Summer sun it receives. Too little light won`t exactly harm your plant either, it`s just the growth becomes stretched as it reaches towards brighter light.

Watering your plant is fairly straight forward. Since Crassula store water in their leaves and stems, they can survive long spells without water. As a rule of thumb during Spring and Summer water the plant thoroughly, but then make sure you allow the top inch of the soil to dry before watering again. Don`t be over hasty, if it seems to take several weeks before it needs more water that`s fine, it will depend on the climate and position of your plant. Just don`t allow the soil to become constantly wet, they don`t like soggy feet. Don`t worry if you forget to water your plant and the leaves become flattened, just give them a good drink and they will perk back up.

Crassula don`t require much feeding, so a half strength liquid Cacti and Succulent feed once a month Spring to Autumn is plenty.

Mature Crassula will flower but it`s more of a surprise than to be expected.

Average daytime temperatures between 18-24c and overnight temperatures between 12-14c are fine.

During Winter when temperatures drop and growth slows down then your plant will require less water. Follow similar rules, water well then allow to dry. The difference being it might take 2 to 3 weeks before you will need to, depending on the temperature in your home. Again don`t be too hasty, it`s best to err on the side of caution. Dry is better than wet.

Crassula don`t mind being a little pot bound. Repot in Spring when necessary, once every 2 to 3 years. Use a wide, sturdy pot as they can become quite top heavy, and use a good quality free draining compost. Cacti and Succulent compost is best. Do not fertilise as the new compost will have all the nutrients they need.

Crassula are easy to propagate by stem cutting. An ideal stem would be 2–3 inches long and have 2 pairs of leaves. Cut this and allow the cut end to dry for several days in a warm place. A callous will form over the cut to help prevent rot and encourage new roots. Pot the cutting in moist compost and keep in a warm, bright place. After a couple of weeks it should root and you have a new plant.

Warnings: Mildly toxic to cats and dogs.


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